hostelry$36012$ - ορισμός. Τι είναι το hostelry$36012$
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Τι (ποιος) είναι hostelry$36012$ - ορισμός

Gazi Husrev-Beg Mosque; Gazi Husrev-beg's mosque; Begova Mosque; Gazi Husrev bey's public kitchen and Hostelry; Gazi Husrev-beg's Mosque; Gazi Husrevbegova Džamija; Gazi Husrevbeg Mosque; Gazi Husrevbegova džamija; Gazi Husrevbegova džamija, Sarajevo; Gazi Husrev-beg Masjid; Gazi Husrev Beg's Hostelry; Gazi Husrev Bey Mosque
  • The minaret with the [[Muezzin]] calling to prayer. Note the [[Eastern Arabic numerals]] on the Ottoman-era clock tower.
  • interior dome of '''Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque'''
  • Gazi Husrev-beg mosque in the 19th century.
  • interior of '''Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque'''
  • Gazi Husrev-bey's [[turbe]] ([[mausoleum]])

  • access-date= 23 July 2019}}</ref>
  • A Victorian beerhouse, now a public house, in [[Rotherhithe]], [[Greater London]]
  • Goldfinger Tavern, [[Highworth]], an example of a mid-20th-century pub
  • Henry Singleton]])
  • [[Jamaica Inn]] in Cornwall inspired a novel and a film.
  • ''Peasants before an Inn'' by Dutch artist [[Jan Steen]] c. 1653
  • 1899 map showing number of public houses in a district of central London
  • [[U Medvídků]], one of the oldest pubs in Europe
  • The World's End]], [[Camden Town]], London
  • Tammela district]] of the city of [[Tampere]], [[Finland]].
  • Pub grub – a [[pie]], along with a pint of beer
  • The interior of a typical British pub
  • The Sun Inn, Herefordshire. One of the few remaining parlour pubs
  • archive-date=29 August 2015}}</ref>
  • '[[The Crooked House]]', [[Himley]], is known for the extreme lean of the building, caused by subsidence produced by mining
  • The Crown Inn, [[Chiddingfold]]
  • A20 road]] in [[Eltham]], Greater London.
  • The fictitious Queen Victoria pub, ''[[EastEnders]]'', London
  • Members of Parliament]] (MPs) and political journalists.
  • A pub being demolished in 2008
  • Guinness World Record]] for the oldest pub in England
  • [[Ye Olde Man & Scythe]], Bolton
British public houses; British public house; Country pub; Public houses; Pubs; Public House; Country inn; Pub grub; Theme pub; Theme pubs; Public Houses; Lock-in (pub); Free house (pub); Pub lunch; Bar food; Alehouse; The snug; Hostelry; Public-house; Traditional British pub; PubCo; Pub food; Inne; Inn-keeper; Irish snug; Student pub; Brewery tap; Pub signs; Oldest pub; Oldest public house; Oldest public house in the UK; Parlour pub; Beer parlour; Freehouse; Pub sign; Parlour pubs; English pub; Mug-house; Ale-house; Ale house; Public bar; Public house; Publican (United KIngdom); Beer restaurant; Ye olde pub; Ye old Pub; British pub; Publican (United Kingdom)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A pub is a building where people can have drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, and talk to their friends. Many pubs also serve food. (mainly BRIT)
He was in the pub until closing time...
Richard used to run a pub.
  • access-date= 23 July 2019}}</ref>
  • A Victorian beerhouse, now a public house, in [[Rotherhithe]], [[Greater London]]
  • Goldfinger Tavern, [[Highworth]], an example of a mid-20th-century pub
  • Henry Singleton]])
  • [[Jamaica Inn]] in Cornwall inspired a novel and a film.
  • ''Peasants before an Inn'' by Dutch artist [[Jan Steen]] c. 1653
  • 1899 map showing number of public houses in a district of central London
  • [[U Medvídků]], one of the oldest pubs in Europe
  • The World's End]], [[Camden Town]], London
  • Tammela district]] of the city of [[Tampere]], [[Finland]].
  • Pub grub – a [[pie]], along with a pint of beer
  • The interior of a typical British pub
  • The Sun Inn, Herefordshire. One of the few remaining parlour pubs
  • archive-date=29 August 2015}}</ref>
  • '[[The Crooked House]]', [[Himley]], is known for the extreme lean of the building, caused by subsidence produced by mining
  • The Crown Inn, [[Chiddingfold]]
  • A20 road]] in [[Eltham]], Greater London.
  • The fictitious Queen Victoria pub, ''[[EastEnders]]'', London
  • Members of Parliament]] (MPs) and political journalists.
  • A pub being demolished in 2008
  • Guinness World Record]] for the oldest pub in England
  • [[Ye Olde Man & Scythe]], Bolton
British public houses; British public house; Country pub; Public houses; Pubs; Public House; Country inn; Pub grub; Theme pub; Theme pubs; Public Houses; Lock-in (pub); Free house (pub); Pub lunch; Bar food; Alehouse; The snug; Hostelry; Public-house; Traditional British pub; PubCo; Pub food; Inne; Inn-keeper; Irish snug; Student pub; Brewery tap; Pub signs; Oldest pub; Oldest public house; Oldest public house in the UK; Parlour pub; Beer parlour; Freehouse; Pub sign; Parlour pubs; English pub; Mug-house; Ale-house; Ale house; Public bar; Public house; Publican (United KIngdom); Beer restaurant; Ye olde pub; Ye old Pub; British pub; Publican (United Kingdom)
·noun An inn; a lodging house.
  • access-date= 23 July 2019}}</ref>
  • A Victorian beerhouse, now a public house, in [[Rotherhithe]], [[Greater London]]
  • Goldfinger Tavern, [[Highworth]], an example of a mid-20th-century pub
  • Henry Singleton]])
  • [[Jamaica Inn]] in Cornwall inspired a novel and a film.
  • ''Peasants before an Inn'' by Dutch artist [[Jan Steen]] c. 1653
  • 1899 map showing number of public houses in a district of central London
  • [[U Medvídků]], one of the oldest pubs in Europe
  • The World's End]], [[Camden Town]], London
  • Tammela district]] of the city of [[Tampere]], [[Finland]].
  • Pub grub – a [[pie]], along with a pint of beer
  • The interior of a typical British pub
  • The Sun Inn, Herefordshire. One of the few remaining parlour pubs
  • archive-date=29 August 2015}}</ref>
  • '[[The Crooked House]]', [[Himley]], is known for the extreme lean of the building, caused by subsidence produced by mining
  • The Crown Inn, [[Chiddingfold]]
  • A20 road]] in [[Eltham]], Greater London.
  • The fictitious Queen Victoria pub, ''[[EastEnders]]'', London
  • Members of Parliament]] (MPs) and political journalists.
  • A pub being demolished in 2008
  • Guinness World Record]] for the oldest pub in England
  • [[Ye Olde Man & Scythe]], Bolton
British public houses; British public house; Country pub; Public houses; Pubs; Public House; Country inn; Pub grub; Theme pub; Theme pubs; Public Houses; Lock-in (pub); Free house (pub); Pub lunch; Bar food; Alehouse; The snug; Hostelry; Public-house; Traditional British pub; PubCo; Pub food; Inne; Inn-keeper; Irish snug; Student pub; Brewery tap; Pub signs; Oldest pub; Oldest public house; Oldest public house in the UK; Parlour pub; Beer parlour; Freehouse; Pub sign; Parlour pubs; English pub; Mug-house; Ale-house; Ale house; Public bar; Public house; Publican (United KIngdom); Beer restaurant; Ye olde pub; Ye old Pub; British pub; Publican (United Kingdom)
¦ noun
1. an establishment for the sale and consumption of beer and other drinks, often also serving food.
2. Austral. a hotel.
¦ verb (pubs, pubbing, pubbed) [usu. as noun pubbing] informal frequent pubs.
C19: abbrev. of public house.


Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque

Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque (Bosnian: Gazi Husrev-begova džamija, Turkish: Gazi Hüsrev Bey Camii) is a mosque in the city of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Built in the 16th century, it is the largest historical mosque in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the most representative Ottoman structures in the Balkans. Being the central Sarajevo's mosque since the days of its construction, today it also serves as the main congregational mosque of the Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located in the Baščaršija neighborhood in the Stari Grad municipality and, being one of the main architectural monuments in the town, is regularly visited by tourists.